By becoming a REN member, you are not only supporting our activities through a monetary donation, you are also contributing to the organization achieving nonprofit status that will allow our members and supporters in Japan to receive tax benefits. REN is currently campaigning for the "enhancement of the supporting members" in order to meet the certification requirements for this particular status within Japan.
Members contribute 3,000+¥ annually
To become a member, please proceed in the following manner:
1. Send your donation through a Money Transfer to NPO Organization Refugee Empowerment Network, Director Hisako Ishitani via
2. Email us the following information:
Your name or the name of your company & its representative's name
Mailing address & postal code
Contact phone number
Annual donation amount (¥)
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UF
Account Number 0024743
Jiyugaoka Branch Number 794
Japan Post Bank
Account Number 00150-5-651540
Branch Number 019